Ride Reminder – Tuesday, October 31

Lilianne and Barry are hosting our Tuesday Oct 31th visit to Warkworth. The Pike Ride has an approximate short ride of 35 kilometres, with the long ride being 60 or so kilometres. Please print your maps from the website.

We are cycling at 10am from the town park on Highway 29, just West of the Co-op. There is parking as well on the West side of Old Hastings Road.

Lunch will be at the Lucky Star Cafe on the main street. There is a diverse menu sourced from locally grown foods, a warm atmosphere and nice teas and coffees (no alcohol). They roast their own beans and bake in house.


13 thoughts on “Ride Reminder – Tuesday, October 31

  1. After two months of wonderful weather, I guess it now really is Fall! If this rain actually stops, I plan to ride on Tuesday.


  2. Wind, wind, wind! Wind of 40-45, with gusts of 75!

    Check here tomorrow by 8am for the latest from your ever enthusiastic organizers!


  3. Coid in Warworth with strong winds, but no rain. The ride is not cancelled, but the organizers are staying home! For those immune to the above conditions, the route and the café are there, both of which are attractive. All the best.


  4. Sorry you guys missed a great ride today. 🙂 The wind wasn’t a big factor and we were dressed warmly. Thanks Richard, Harold and Liz for showing up. It’s a great route. Liz and I ended up with 65 k after you stopped your shorter ride, Richard. Thanks for organizing it Barry and Lilianne even though you couldn’t make it.


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