Risk Management

By joining the Ganaraska Freewheelers Recreational Cycling Club (the ‘Club’), all members agree to abide by the following Risk Management Policies when participating in Club rides.

The Club will:

  1. Designate a leader for each of the designated Club rides. The ride leader will be a member of the Ganaraska Freewheelers in good standing.

The Ride Leader will:

  1. Select a route that avoids prolonged stretches of busy and/or dangerous roads.
  2. Outline the route, including the final destination, to all participants at the start of the ride. This will normally be accomplished by handing out written directions and/or maps.
  3. Verify at the start of the ride that any guest riders have signed their annual waiver. Make a list (written or mental) of all ride participants and ensure that all riders are accounted for at the conclusion of the ride.
  4. At the start of the ride, take steps to ensure that no-one is left to ride on his/her own.
  5. In conjunction with the implicated riders, report any incident involving first or third party injuries and/or property damage to the club Vice President within 48 hours and, if appropriate, to the police. The member involved in the incident completes the Incident Report form and submits it to the Vice President.

Ride Participants will:

  1. Wear approved cycling helmets.
  2. Carry personal identification and emergency contact information.
  3. Assume full responsibility for following the route as outlined by the Ride Leader at the start of the ride.
  4. Make every effort to contact the Ride Leader if leaving the ride early or electing not to come to the final destination.
  5. Agree to cycle in a safe and responsible manner at all times, including having lights on at dusk. NOTE: Racing in any form is prohibited.
  6. Show courtesy to fellow riders by doing such things as pointing out hazards and giving appropriate warning when turning, slowing and passing.
  7. When riding on public highways, obey the rules of the road established under the highway traffic act.
  8. Be courteous and respectful to other users of the road.
  9. Ensure that the bicycles they use for Club rides are safe and in good working order.
  10. Have the equipment and/or knowledge required to undertake basic bicycle repairs including repairing flat tires.
  11. Recognize that dogs pose a significant danger to cyclists in the rural areas of Northumberland County and be aware of some common-sense procedures for minimizing this danger.
  12. Report any incident involving personal injury to the Ride Leader a.s.a.p.