Join the Ganaraska Freewheelers

General Information | Ride as a Guest | FAQ

Annual Membership fee: $50 per calendar year (expires on December 31st). Social members can join for $25 per calendar year.

Age Eligibility: Persons under the age of 18 may join with a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.

Code of Conduct: All members sign an annual waiver and agree to abide by club by-laws and code of conduct.

Club Insurance: The Ganaraska Freewheelers is covered by third-party liability insurance (not personal injury) for all club activities.

Non-members are welcome to join group rides as a Guest. It’s a great way to see if the Club is a good fit for you. Guests must sign waivers (mandatory). There is a limit of three free rides per guest per season.

How do I become a member?
Option 1: Please send an email to our President and/or Website Administrator indicating your interest in learning more
Option 2: Fill in the I’m interested in being a Freewheeler form above and someone will get in touch with you.

I’m a new member. How do I find out where weekly rides start?
You can view the Ride Calendar from our website where we post Ride start details. Fuller details are provided in weekly event listings on our Facebook page. Once you become a member, be sure to join our private Facebook group where you can receive notifications of rides and visit the group to confirm your attendance.

How do I learn more details about each ride?
In the Club Calendar, each Tuesday and Friday ride will have the start time and location, as well as the host’s name. Visit the Facebook Group for the event listing that has more details about the ride. In 2024, we are also piloting a Ride with GPS club account where we will also pilot a Ride Calendar.

I’m not a member. Can I ride as a guest?
Non-members are welcome to ride for free as Guests up to three times in the season. Contact us to inquire about the ride start location and to let us know you will come. FYI you will be required to sign a waiver before the ride starts (available from the ride leader at the beginning of the ride)

How do I access the Members only section of the website?
The Members Only section of the website requires a password that is provided to all members at the beginning of the season. If you didn’t receive a password or have forgotten it, please contact us.

How do I receive the weekly ride reminders?
Ride Coordinators will post relevant ride details on the GFW Facebook Group page, usually three or four days before the ride. Make sure to comment if you plan to attend and post your pictures afterwards!

I am a member. How do I host a ride?
Simple—Contact the Ride Coordinator and request your date. The Ride Coordinator will make sure there are no conflicting requests from other members and will reply to your email. At least 10 days before the ride, send an email to your Ride Coordinator detailing the starting location, providing a welcome message and adding any special instructions. If available, include a map or indicate a map for the ride from the Local Cycling Routes section of the website or from our pilot Ride with GPS club account.

How do I know which Ride Coordinator to contact to host a ride?
Ride Coordinators are pictured on our homepage. You can find their email addresses in our password-protected member page.

Can I send ride reminders via email?
The preferred method of communication is via our GFW Facebook Group page. If you have questions about the ride or want to add details, use Facebook’s comment feature.  Members appreciate comments, so that they can know in advance if there will be riders present who keep to a similar pace.

How do I find out about emerging updates to rides?
Last-minute changes happen due to inclement weather and other unforeseen circumstances. Ride hosts and/or Coordinators will announce any such changes via the GFW Facebook Group page and Ride Coordinators will update the Calendar.

Can I bring a guest to a ride?
Absolutely! Please let your ride host know in advance, especially if the apres-event will be in a home environment. Be sure to print out the waiver for your guest, have them complete it and make sure you submit the waiver to one of the executive members.

How do I thank my host for the ride?
Post your appreciation on the GFW Facebook Group page for that particular ride. A few kind words go a long way!

Is there a forum where members can chat?
If you are a current member and would like to be added to our member-only Facebook Group, send an email to You can also select Groups in Facebook, then search for Ganaraska Freewheelers. From there, you can request to be added to the Group. Note: Our Facebook Group Page is for Members only.