Cycling from Kirkfield – Sunday, August 26

Sue will host a ride from her cottage on Balsam Lake. If you like, drive up late Saturday afternoon and stay over. Sue has to leave at 4 pm on Sunday.

The cottage address is in the GF calendar.

Here is her invitation.

Come up anytime after 3 on Saturday to stay overnight if you wish. We will have a pot luck that night.

The ride will start at 10 on Sunday and will be around 50 k with options. We can then have pot luck appetizers back at the cottage.

Bring sheets or sleeping bags if staying over. We have quite a few beds so please let me know if you are coming so I can assign rooms. Lots of room for camping too if anyone wants.

Bring bathing suits and towels, kayaks if you want.

16 thoughts on “Cycling from Kirkfield – Sunday, August 26

  1. Love the photo but your kayak needs pointy ends! Sorry we can’t make it on the weekend. Maybe we should turn our big RV (or the Boler) into a helicopter.


  2. Thanks Klaus for picking up my error – indeed, today is the 20th – Sunday’s ride is the 26th – I’ve corrected the website.


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